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PICTURE of the DAY: The gift that keeps on giving

My MIL Ru sharing her gift with strangers on the streets

Some of you may have doubted (hopefully) the authenticity of the last post on my MIL Ru (dementia) and the delicious and OH SO APPROPRIATE gift of an entire FRUITCAKE presented to her by Happy Days Assisted brass. According to Ru.. it was a show of thanks for her invaluable contributions (bwahahaha..please read the  320 pages of archived material) to the ROAM (Random Occasional Accidental Memory) floor “all these past 40 years.. since I was a new bride”. After Ru’s initial disappointment upon opening the extravagant present (total raging hissy fit).. I was able to redirect granny to her room and PROVE to her and all her closest strangers friends that the GIFT really could be enjoyable and yes, EVEN USEFUL— almost as fun as playing Wii Golf. How is that possible? By simply picking up the 5 pounds of delight.. making sure to pick out the green cherries for snacking first and HURLING the rest out the open window, in bite size chunks at the nice people down below. Heh. You have never HEARD so many screams.. of delight.

Posted in Uncategorized 15 years, 1 month ago at 9:34 pm.

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One Reply

  1. Oh lord, I wish I had your patience, truly I do! I’m at the ‘pulling out my hair’ stage and the only upside I can see is that at least I could stop dying the darn thing!