Nutrition Facts: FAQs

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago at 2:46 pm. Add a comment

FYI-April 23, 2009

Greys Anatomy connects to the Alzheimer’s Association.


Are all the stories in The Granny Diaries blog real?

It’s hard to believe that every day so many crazy things

can happen to one person.

-Les P., Sarasota, Florida

They’re real and they’re FABULOUS! Never did I imagine, when I started looking after Ruth (and Marnie) that they would provide me with so much joy and laughter. Every day brings with it more crazy adventures and funny anecdotes to share with MY SANDWICH GENERATION girlfriends. (Sometimes MY MSG boyfriends show up also..but not as often.) Even on a “bad hair day”, which can happen frequently with Alzheimer’s, Ruth can still deliver the goods like nobody’s business.


You write about being an advocate for our senior family members.

When do we start this? How does the family choose

who is advocate?

-Kara C., Colorado Springs

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